• Gerhardt's Mill, or Grudinin's Mill - a steam mill building destroyed during the days of the Battle of Stalingrad and not restored.
  • Volgograd is famous for the grandiose figure "The Motherland Calls!" on the Mamayev Kurgan and complexes of monuments dedicated to episodes of the Great...
  • Gerhardts Mill is a steam mill building from the early 20th century, destroyed during the Battle of Stalingrad and not restored in memory of the war.
  • Stalingrad Flour Mill & Pavlov's House, Tours of Stalingrad - Volgograd today 06:17.
  • Gerhardt mill located in Volgograd. It is destroyed during the Battle of Stalingrad, a five-story red brick building, which is a historical monument as part of the...
  • The most famous are Gerhardt's mill. Also there were the ruins of the laboratory in the territory of the Krasny Oktyabr plant and the command post of the 138th...