• The name LISP derives from "LISt Processor".[8] Linked lists are one of Lisp's major data structures, and Lisp source code is made of lists.
  • Just Like c has influenced the syntax of java, python and JavaScript LISP has influenced the syntax of Clojure, Scheme and Common LISP.
  • SLIME, an IDE that leverages the power of Common Lisp and the extensibility of Emacs, provides a development environment ahead of anything else.
  • Of course, Lisp differs from FORTRAN quite a bit in that it’s a functional programming language. In other words, there’s no notion of state or side-effects.
  • Lisp dillerini öğrenmek diğer C, Java ve Perl gibi dilleri öğrenmekten zor değildir. Lisp diğer diller gibi sınırlayıcı değildir, basit ve esnek bir yazımı vardır.
  • Welcome to the amazing world of Common Lisp, the programmable programming language. This site is one among many gateways to Common Lisp.
  • The Roots of Lisp. What Made Lisp Different.
  • Lisp, 1958 yılında John McCarthy tarafından geliştirilen bir programlama dilidir. Lisp adı "List Processing" kelimelerinin birleştirilmesiyle oluşmuştur.