• Holy Cross Church. This beautiful Baroque church is best known as the final resting place of the heart of composer Fryderyk Chopin.
  • Holy Cross Church, Located almost at the beginning of the Royal Route is the Holy Cross Church, a beautiful stone building.
  • The Church of the Holy Cross (Polish: Kościół św. Krzyża, also Kościół świętokrzyski) is a Roman Catholic house of worship in downtown Warsaw , Poland .
  • The Church of the Holy Cross (Polish: Bazylika Świętego Krzyża) is a Roman Catholic house of worship in Warsaw, Poland.
  • The Church of the Holy Cross is a Roman Catholic house of worship in Warsaw, Poland.
  • The Church of the Holy Cross (Polish: Bazylika Świętego Krzyża) is a Roman Catholic house of worship in Warsaw, Poland.
  • The imposing twin towered Baroque- Holy Cross Church was severely damaged during the Warsaw Uprising when two weeks of fighting took place in the church...
  • The Church of the Holy Cross (Polish: Bazylika Świętego Krzyża) is a Roman Catholic house of worship in Warsaw, Poland.
  • Holy Cross Church. This beautiful Baroque church is best known as the final resting place of the heart of composer Fryderyk Chopin.