• In this article, we'll identify sources of non-determinism in most build processes and look at how Bazel can be used to create reproducible, hermetic builds.
  • It uses a human-readable, high-level build language. Bazel supports projects in multiple languages and builds outputs for multiple platforms.
  • In this blog-post, we will install Bazel on Jetson. First, we will download bazelisk-linux-arm64 file from github bazelisk library.
  • Bazel provides an incredibly sophisticated dependency query tool called bazel query which allows you to perform action such as the following
  • Google has been using their own system, called Blaze, and open-sourced part of it as the anagrammatically named Bazel — recently released at alpha status.
  • Bazel is a build system for software development that attempts to create a hermetic build by bootstrapping the toolchain from known sources and binaries.
  • All the code of Bazel is in the current project, and each project is a Workspace. There are multiple Package under each workspace (a folder including the built file is...
  • Bazel project support. Features: Import BUILD files into the IDE. BUILD file custom language support. Support for Bazel run configurations for certain rule...
  • Gazelle generates Bazel BUILD files, so that I don’t have to write them all myself, and updates the Bazel files after changes are done to Go source files.
  • The 1.0 version of Bazel has been released at the end of 2019. The syntax of Bazel is very similar to CMake: it’s very declarative and readable.