• the espectacular techumbre de madera dorada y policromada. The Aljafería has vivid different avatares, cambios y etapas.
  • Aljafería järgib seda mudelit, kusjuures väljaku keskosas on aadlike jaoks mõeldud sektsioon, kuigi selle plaani külgede joondamine on ebakorrapärane.
  • Dear Wikiwand AI, let's keep it short by simply answering these key questions: Can you list the top facts and stats about Aljafería?
  • With urban expansion over the centuries, it is now inside the city. The oldest component of the Aljafería is today known as the Troubadour Tower.
  • The Aljafería Palace is the best-preserved example of the palaces from the Taifa era and the one that is located further North in Europe.
  • Aljafería Sarayı ikinci yarıda Zaragoza'da inşa edilmiş müstahkem bir saraydır . 11. yüzyıldan kalma , el- Muktadir'in girişimiyle...
  • Aljafería. Aljafería (ispancha: Palacio de la Aljafería) — Saragosadagi Mavritanlar davrining mustahkamlangan saroyi (qal’asi), XX asrning ikkinchi yarmida...
  • The Aljafería Palace is a fortified medieval Islamic palace built during the second half of the 11th century in the Taifa of Zaragoza of Al-Andalus, present…
  • The Aljaferia has experienced different phases, changes and stages. Many Aragonese people still remember it as military barracks in the 20th century.
  • Palace of the Aljafería. Its construction was ordered by the second king of the Banu Hud dynasty, Al-Muqtadir, in the second half of the eleventh century.