• In particular, the focus is on property value changes and gentrification in Portland that are often attributed to urban growth and containment policies within the state.
  • Gentrification is a sociological term that has entered the mainstream. ... The word gentrification was coined by Ruth Glass, a British sociologist, in 1964.
  • Gentrification was at first identified as a process of reappropriation of the neglected and abandoned centres of American and British cities by the middle classes.
  • In this article, we will explore the advantages and disadvantages of gentrification, its impact on neighborhoods, and the pros and cons it brings to communities.
  • Explore the multifaceted effects of gentrification on local communities, from economic shifts to cultural changes and housing dynamics.
  • Gentrification is a growing force in American cities and has sparked outrage and controversy, but is it really all that bad?
  • gentrification (n.) 1973, noun of action from gentrify. ... Trends of gentrification. adapted from books.google.com/ngrams/. Ngrams are probably unreliable.
  • We often encounter coverage of the related topics of gentrification, urban development, redevelopment, and renewal through various mass and social media outlets.
  • When you add - fication (the suffix that means “making”), you see how gentrification means "making something suitable for a higher class of people...