• Introduction. Gulp is a command-line task runner for Node.js. Gulp let us automate processes and run repetitive tasks with ease.
  • What's the difference?
    • With Gulp your build file is code, not config
    • You use standard libraries to do things
  • The cool thing is, gulp.parallel and gulp.series are functions, and accept functions. So you can nest them as much as you want, creating complex execution orders
  • This article, sponsored by New Relic, provides an introduction to the automated task runner, Gulp.js, and shows how it can shrink page size.
  • Actually, gulp can automate anything that may be done from Node.js, and since Node.js can run shell commands, gulp may actually be used to automate any task.
  • So if we want to install Gulp to our packages, we’d type in: npm install gulp. It might take a minute or two for your computer to install everything related to Gulp.
  • This is why we decided to use a particular collection of tools which are meant to simplify and speed up the work. That set includes Gulp.
  • Gulp 4: A Sample Project. Here is a simple guide on installing and configuring Gulp 4 for those who design a static web page which doesn’t require backend code.
  • Free. Windows, Mac OS, Linux. ••• gulp is a streaming build system that automates slow, repetitive and time-consuming tasks in your development workflow.
  • Let’s see how we can build gulp as follows: First, we need to confirm all setup and installation of gulp with the help of the following command.