• Toompea castle tallinn opening hours. How to get on the tour? An unforgivable mistake is to go to Tallinn and not see the Toompea fortress with your own eyes.
  • Toompea Castle History Based on an Estonian myth, Toompea Castle made by the Linda who was the mother of Kalevipoeg and the wife of Kalev.
  • Toompea Castle, perched atop the historic Toompea Hill in Tallinn, is a captivating fortress that holds centuries of Estonian history and cultural significance.
  • Toompea Castle. Stand in the room where Estonia’s laws are created. See hundreds of years of architectural designs when you tour this ancient stronghold.
  • Toompea Castle was erected on the foundations of the crumbling eastern wing of the fortress built on the site in the 13th and 14th centuries.
  • Toompea Castle has a TripExpert Score of 80 based on expert reviews in publications including Afar Magazine, Michelin Guide and Lonely Planet.
  • For more than 800 years Toompea Castle has been at the center of power in Estonia. In previous centuries, foreign rulers governed Estonian territories from here.
  • Toompea Castle was a major landmark in the struggle for independence and democracy, once unarmed civilians stood ready to protect it against Soviet tanks.
    • Toompea Castle, Tallinn - Estonia
    • RIIGIKOGU | Parliament of Estonia | Toompea Castle | Tallinn
    • [에스토니아 여행-탈린]톰페아 성/Toompea Castle/National Assembly/Electronic voting
  • We found this close to the Eesti Meeremuseum. Toompea Castle (meaning "the Danes Castle") is a castle on the hill of Toompea, in the center of Tallinn.