• In this section, you will learn how to develop user-defined functions and stored procedures in PostgreSQL using PL/pgSQL programming language.
  • Setting plpgsql.extra_warnings, or plpgsql.extra_errors, as appropriate, to "all" is encouraged in development and/or testing environments.
  • the $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; concludes the text defining the procedure and tells the database engine that procedure is written in PL/pgSQL.
  • The $$ symbol is used as a delimiter for the function body, and finally, LANGUAGE plpgsql specifies that the function is written in PL/pgSQL.
  • And more importantly: does plpgsql optimize executing SQL? This blogpost is using the simple query protocol, which means that an execution must use the steps of
  • The official site for Redrock Postgres, the world's best PostgreSQL database...
  • Services. 24×7×365 Technical Support. Migration to PostgreSQL. High Availability Deployment. Database Audit. Remote DBA for PostgreSQL.
  • Example[edit]. CREATE FUNCTION sales_tax(subtotal real) RETURNS real AS $$ BEGIN RETURN subtotal * 0.06; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql
  • This related answer on dba.SE has side-by-side code examples for solving the same problem using an SQL function / a plpgsql function / a query with CTEs
  • RETURN a + b; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; Here we have a sum function which accepts two integers and also returns an integer.