• The Rynek Underground presents a permanent as well as temporary exhibitions. The first one, titled 'Following the traces of European identity of Krakow', is a...
  • • Follow Following Unfollow. Rynek Underground in Kraków. New Amsterdam for the Historical Museum of the City of Kraków.
  • If you want to catch a small glimpse of the history of Krakow, then certainly head to the Rynek Underground.
  • This underground museum was built on the original dig site and it's easily the best attraction to open in Krakow for a long time.
  • A great museum about Krakow in the Middle Ages. The Rynek or Underground Museum is technically top modern and very interesting.
  • I’m sure a lot of you have been to Kraków, but did you have a chance to explore the undergrounds, Podziemia Rynku?
  • The underground trail In the Footsteps of Krakow European Identity under the Krakow Main Market Square introduces the atmosphere of the medieval city.
  • The Rynek Underground museum of Kraków is situated below the market square of the city. The museum is approximately 4000 square meters in size.Work on...
  • This guided tour will take you to the Rynek Underground Museum on the Market Square, in the very centre of Krakow.
  • The unique on a European scale museum is located under the Cracow's Main Square. It gives an opportunity to learn about the turbulent history of medieval Cracow.