• Astana Opera hakkında daha fazla bilgiyi astanaopera.kz sitesinde bulabilirsiniz.
  • Приглашаем Вас на гастроли Карагандинского академического театра музыкальной комедии на сцене Большого зала театра «Астана Опера» в августе...
  • Following the individual operatic and zarzuela arias, all the participants performed the official Operalia hymn, accompanied by the Astana Opera Symphony...
  • Opera House is first class having the glamour of a european Opera theatre where you would not expect it.
  • Media in category "Astana Opera". The following 4 files are in this category, out of 4 total.
  • Государственный театр оперы и балета «Астана-опера» — театр в Астане, основанный по инициативе первого президента Казахстана Нурсултана Назарбаева.
  • With meetandgreetticket.com we are able to offer Astana Opera meet and greets to some shows so you can fulfill your lifelong dream of meeting Astana Opera.
  • Astana Opera hakkında Türkçe bilgi: Ballet, Astana, official site of theatreplan. ^ https...
  • Astana Operası'nda Dünya klasiklerinin yanı sıra yerli bestecilerin opera eserleri sahnelenmektedir.
  • Astana Opera Nursultan Nazarbayev'in bildirisi temelinde, Astana, Kazakistan'da yeni inşa ettirdiği opera evidir.