• The Chester Beatty Library and Museum is a unique collection of art and artifacts from cultures all around the world.
  • The Chester Beatty Library has won several consecutive awards, including European Museum of the Year in 2002.
  • Located on the grounds of Dublin Castle, the Chester Beatty Library is home to a large array of manuscripts and books from around the world.
  • The Chester Beatty Library is an Irish library founded in Dublin in 1950.
  • Chester Beatty Library is a private museum in Dublin built by Ireland's famous mining magnates and houses many books from around the world.
  • А ещё в Дублине я зашёл в библиотеку Честера Битти.
  • Chester Beatty Library is one of the country’s real gems and boosts impressive, huge, unique and word class collection from across the Middle East, Asia, North...
  • В библиотеке Честера Битти собрана потрясающая подборка исламистских текстов.
  • The Chester Beatty Library is a collection of rare books, manuscripts and artwork from all over the world and feature some absolutely astounding...