• Reino de Gwent; Regno del Gwent; Gwentské království; Kongeriget Gwent; regno in Galles (V secolo - 1075); teyrnas yn Ne Cymru; kingdom in South Wales...
  • 5. Гвент . После 410 года Дивнуал ап Эднидвед, младший сын короля Эднидведа Деметского, основал королевство, существовавшее до 1093 года...
  • dewiki Königreich Gwent. enwiki Kingdom of Gwent.
  • Its basis was the Welsh kingdom of Gwent, which emerged on the lower Wye river in the 7th cent.
  • Gwent in what is now southern Wales seemingly evolved in the fifth century AD as a combination of the former Ewyas territory and an extension of that territory...
  • Gwent came into existence as a preserved county since 2003.
  • Королевство Гвент - историческое государство, существовавшее с V в. по 1093 год.
  • Essentially there were two main kingdoms: Gwent and Glywysing, both descended from the Silures.
  • Gwent's existence as a separate kingdom again temporarily ended when Gruffydd ap Llywelyn won control of the area and Morgannŵg in 1055...
  • Дифед и Гвент не хотят признавать власть короля Родри, да и в землях королевства не все так спокойно.