• Even though Lombard Street is billed as the crookedest street in the world, it is not even the most crooked or steepest street in San Francisco.
  • Whenever I'm guiding one of my tours in San Francisco, travelers will often ask me about how to visit Lombard Street in San Francisco.
  • However, visiting midday when the sun is directly overhead means you’ll get well-lit views of both sides of Lombard Street if you’re photographing the street itself.
  • However, it is the small stretch of curvy brick-paved road beginning at Hyde Street which is the famous stretch of Lombard Street.
  • Although Lombard Street is famous, it is the block between Hyde and Jones that attracts the most attention. This section is curvy and has eight hairpin turns.
  • Often billed as the "crookedest street," San Francisco's Lombard Street is, in fact, neither the crookedest nor the steepest street in the city, let alone the world.
  • This is the world famous Lombard Street in San Francisco. Known as the crookedest (most winding) street in the United St.
  • Lombard Street is located between Hyde and Leavenworth and is known as the steepest street in San Francisco, although this is not actually true.