• Pietà, as a theme in Christian art, depiction of the Virgin Mary supporting the body of the dead Christ. Some representations of the Pietà include John the Apostle...
  • This evocative early sixteenth-century pietà(pictured) in the NGV Collection is carved in limewood with gilding and polychrome (multiple colours) on its surfaces.
  • Musée du Louvre – Paris. Around 1643-1645. Pietà de Luco. Andrea del Sarto (1486-1530). Galleria Pallatina, Palazzo Pitti – Florence.
  • 2. He may have signed "Pieta" twice. During a repair project in the early 1970s, restorers discovered the letter "M" engraved on the Virgin Mary's left palm.
  • Pietà, çarmıha gerilmesinin ardından İsa'nın ölü bedeninini taşıyan Meryem'i gösteriyor. Michelangelo, heykeli dev bir Carrara mermeri bloğu üzerine yaptı.
  • Palestrina Pietà: The Palestrina Pieta is a sculpture that was originally thought to have been produced by Michelangelo around 1550.
  • Who Was Michelangelo? The Backstory and Inspiration Behind the Pietà An Analysis of Michelangelo's Pietà 10 Interesting Facts.
  • As we contemplate the Pieta which conveys peace and tranquility, we can feel that the great sufferings of life and its pain can be mitigated.
  • İtalyanca “merhamet, şevkat” anlamlarına gelen Pietà kelimesi Hristiyanlık inancında özel bir kavramı temsil eder. Pietà çarmıhtan indirilmiş İsa’nın cansız bedenini...
  • In Christian art, a Pietà is any portrayal (particularly, a sculptural depiction) of the Virgin Mary holding the body of her son, Jesus.