• The Ethnic Diversity Index is intended to measure how much "diversity" or "variety" a school or district has among the ethnic groups in its student population.
  • Ethnic diversity in the workplace refers to the presence and equitable inclusion of individuals from varied ethnic backgrounds.
  • At low levels of income, ethnic diversity may impede development; at higher levels, it may promote it. The political dangers of ethnic diversity appear overdrawn.
  • To thrive in the current diverse times, companies need to lead the way in inclusion by creating workplaces that promote and celebrate racial and ethnic diversity.
  • Before controlling for confounding variables, the relationship between an area’s level of trust and ethnic diversity looked strong and negative.
  • You'll need 2 mods: the Ethnic Diversity Unit Pack (with all the art) and one Ethnic Diversity mod for adding the art defines.
  • In the United States, many people identify with more than one ethnic group, and they might experience ethnic diversity within their own families.
  • Ethnic Diversity. (Related Articles: For other related articles view the Ethnic Diversity section of the Society and Culture Table of Contents.)
  • use" ethnic" polarization"instead" of" ethnic" fractionalization"to" measure" ethnic" diversity,"3)" if" we". substitute" the" Alesina" et" al."
  • Although the influence of ethnic diversity on various aspects of social life has been thoroughly investigated in many countries, results are still inconclusive.