• The Chinese language, a member of the Sino-Tibetan language family, has evolved over millennia, with Mandarin emerging as its most prominent form.
  • Once upon a time, learning Chinese and finding Mandarin Chinese resources meant either moving abroad or committing to expensive, boring...
  • 22 Chinese (Mandarin) ebook and audio courses brought to you by Live Lingua. Just enter, pick a course and start learning Chinese (Mandarin) today.
  • Mandarin is the most widely spoken Chinese dialect and has been designated China's official language. So what exactly is the difference between them?
  • It is often referred to as Standard Chinese, or even just Chinese, but Mandarin is originally specifically of the Beijing dialect.
  • Our ten Chinese (Mandarin) lessons teach you some of the most important Chinese (Mandarin) words and phrases.
  • In Spoken Mandarin, most words are character compounds because over time Mandarin lost many sounds that existed in earlier forms of Chinese.
  • The maximum number of people who speak Mandarin reside in China obviously, because Chinese is their official language and also because of the huge population.
  • Learn Chinese in just 5 minutes a day with Drops--learn words in Mandarin Chinese. Mandarin Chinese is the most widely spoken variety of Chinese.