• Gaius Julius Caesar was born most likely on 13 July (originally Quinctilis, but renamed in honor of Caesar after his death) in the year 100 BC.
  • Julius Caesar (asıl adı Gaius Julius Caesar) (12 Temmuz, M.Ö. 100 - 15 Mart, M.Ö. 44), Romalı general ve en bilinen Roma İmparatorlarındandır.
  • Soon after Caesar was made a priest, his rival for power in Rome, Sulla, made a move that would devastate young Julius Caesar’s life.
  • Born on 13th July 100 BC, Gaius Julius Caesar was the youngest child of Gaius Julius Caesar and his wife Aurelia Cotta.
  • Gaius Julius Caesar was born on 12 July 100 BC in Rome, son of Gaius Caesar and Aurelia. Governor of Gaul 58-49 BC.
  • 4. Julius Caesar was aware of the importance of self-promotion. What methods did Julius Caesar use to spread information about himself?
  • Caesar eventually realized he had insufficient forces to win the siege and withdrew. The Battle of Alesia. Vercingetorix and Julius Caesar painting by Lionel Royer.
  • Gaius Julius Caesar was born on or around July 13, 100 B.C., to his father, also named Gaius Julius Caesar, and his mother Aurelia Cotta.
  • Dante, Petrarca (Trionh [Zaferler]) ve Marc Antoine Muret ile (Julius Caesar, 1552) birlikte yeniden ete kemiğe bürünen Sezar, Shakespeare' de (Julius Caesar...
  • caeser-julius Julius Caesar was a Roman general who conquered vast areas of land in the region of Gaul.