• Are you planning a trip to Devils Tower National Monument in Wyoming? Our post gives you many tips on preparing for a perfect visit to Devils Tower.
  • Did you know? - Devils Tower was the first United States National Monument (established on September 24, 1906).
  • Devils Tower is eye-catching from afar and it looks relatively tall. But when you stand at its base, the looming and leaning Tower looks enormous.
  • Devils Tower, Wyoming, USA- July 18, 2016: In 1906 President Teddy Roosevelt designated Devils Tower as the nation’s first national monument.
  • President Theodore Roosevelt proclaimed Devils Tower the first national monument in 1906. Approximately 107 miles northwest of Rapid City, the formation…
  • Devils Tower Facts for kids Theodore Roosevelt was the 26th American President who served in office from September 14, 1901 to March 4, 1909.
  • Many Native American tribes consider the formation a very sacred monument and carry their stories of Devils Tower down from generation to generation.
  • Geologists determined that Devils Tower in Wyoming was formed not by the prayers of scared little girls, but as the result of an ancient volcano.
  • The Tower has been called “Bear Lodge” by various Native American tribes and now bears the name Devils Tower National Monument.
  • To this day, Devils Tower is frequently the site of ceremonial rituals, including sun dances, sweat lodges, and prayer and artifact offerings.