• Serapeum — /ser euh pee euhm/, n., pl. Serapeums, Serapea / pee euh/. a place, as a burial site, building, or group of buildings, dedicated to Serapis.
  • 8- The word Serapeum is the Latin form of the Greek Serapeum and derives from the fact that once the Apis bull had become a divinity after death .
  • serapis 'e adanmış tapınaklara verilen ad. sanırım en ünlüsü iskenderiye 'de olan, ve 391'de yıkılan serapeum.
  • Serapeum is a conservative library of Common Lisp utilities. It is a supplement, not a competitor, to Alexandria. That means it is safe to do
    • Issues:
  • I'll let you discover one of the most mysterious places in Giza, and the whole of Egypt ... the Serapeum, these strange catacombs.
  • Around the commemorative Column of Diocletian (Pompey’s Pillar) there are the remains of the Serapeum (Arabic name, Amoud el-Sawari...
  • The Serapeum is located north west of the Pyramid of Djoser (the famous ‘Step Pyramid’ in my photo, above), near the city of Memphis, in Lower Egypt.
  • The present official statement is that they were all used as a Serapeum, but on closer inspection only the smaller tunnels were used as the Serapeum.
  • It deals with the history of the Lesser Vaults in the Serapeum by combining the evidence given by Mariette with the work of Mohammed Ibrahim Aly.
  • This is the serapeum Reference Manual, generated automatically by Declt version 4.0 beta 2 "William Riker" on Wed May 15 06:51:52 2024 GMT+0.