• When the camp was already under construction, the name was changed into more popular "Majdanek" (from the name of the suburb Majdan Tatarski).
  • It was regarded as in the same class as Belzec and Sobibor. Like Belzec, Maidanek was originally a labor camp but was transformed into a death camp …
  • Of all the death and labor camps, Majdanek was over run by Soviet troops (including the Polish Division of the Red Army) before it was dismantled.
  • The camp was nicknamed Majdanek ("little Majdan") in 1941 by local residents, as it was adjacent to the Lublin ghetto of Majdan Tatarski.
  • 1944 sonbaharında Majdanek Devlet Müzesi Majdanek toplama kampı gerekçesiyle kuruldu. 1947'de asıl kamp, Kararname ile şehitlik anıtı oldu.
  • campo di concentramento di Majdanek; Majdanek; camp d'extermination de Majdanek; 馬伊達內克滅絕營; Koncentracijski logor Majdanek; Camp de Majdanek...
  • Liberation of Majdanek. Rose Lebor. ... Majdanek concentration camp. Rose Lebor.
  • naziler tarafindan kurulmus toplama ve yok etme kamplarindan biri.
  • An eyewitness account of the horrors revealed when Allied tropps entered the 1st Nazi Death Camp.
    Bulunamadı: majdanek
  • I felt drawn to Majdanek because of a small shrine on the site started by German and Jewish youth, where one can pray and think about forgiveness.