• Karimov, B., Mukhammadiyev, S., & Tursakhatov, E. (2022). The Folklore Image of Baba-Yaga and the Mythological Image of a Witch in the Works of Oral Folk Art.
  • Rustamova Feruzabanu Ilhomovna, & Najmiddinova Nigina Bakhriddinovna. (2024). The Tale is the Most Ancient Sample of Oral Folk Art.
  • The Homeric hymns, undoubtedly oral in origin and retaining many of the usual characteristics of folk literature, such as long repetitions and formulaic...
  • Tojixon Sabitova. (2021). the role of works of oral folk art in enhancing the spirituality of youth.
  • Ukrainian folk oral literature has its distinctive artistic qualities, its unique poetic devices—metaphors, similes, epithets, and symbolism.
  • If we systematize the summary of Russian folk tales, we can conclude about the main ideas and goals that society tried to convey through oral folk art.
  • Ogromna usmena narodna umjetnost. Stvoren je stoljećima, ima mnogo njegovih sorti. Prevedeno s engleskog jezika, "folklor" je "nacionalno značenje, mudrost".
  • The traditional arts in the Philippines encompass folk architecture, maritime transport, weaving, carving, folk performing arts, folk (oral) literature...