• In this article, we'll identify sources of non-determinism in most build processes and look at how Bazel can be used to create reproducible, hermetic builds.
  •   This mailing list is now closed in favor of GitHub Discussions : https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel/discussions.
  • Bazel provides an incredibly sophisticated dependency query tool called bazel query which allows you to perform action such as the following
  • Renovate upgrades dependencies in Bazel WORKSPACE files and MODULE.bazel files. How it works¶. Bazel support is enabled automatically.
  • Gazelle generates Bazel BUILD files, so that I don’t have to write them all myself, and updates the Bazel files after changes are done to Go source files.
  • Conan provides different tools to help manage your projects using Bazel. ... It’s simply a wrapper around the command line invocation of Bazel.
  • The 1.0 version of Bazel has been released at the end of 2019. The syntax of Bazel is very similar to CMake: it’s very declarative and readable.
  • Bazel users commonly need to manage multiple different configurations when building and testing software, such as
  • In this chapter, you will see how to create a “Hello World!” Android application built with Bazel completely from scratch.
  • Bazel, an open-source build and test tool, can output graphviz dependency graphs. This graph is generated querying the source of Abseil, a C++ library, for all the...