• DMT is a member of the psychedelic indole-alkyl-amine alkaloids such as LSD (synthetic), psilocybin, bufotenine, and 5-methoxy-DMT (all naturally occurring).
  • Why Is DMT Used? People use DMT for its hallucinogenic properties. When people drink, smoke or inject DMT, they enter a dreamlike state.
  • Yaşayan her canlı ya DMT salgılar, ya da DMT ile yaşar. Dimetiltriptamin veya kısa adıyla DMT, beyin dolaylarındaki pineal bez tarafından uyku sırasında salgılanır.
  • Dmt, bilim adamlarının da deyimi ile ruh molekülü; Her canlıda mutlak surette var olan bir nörokimyasaldır. İnsanlar da kati surette iki defa doğal olarak salgılanır.
  • N,N-Dimethyltryptamine is popularly known as DMT is not much of a stranger in the growing circle of psychedelic substance users.
  • DMT, or N,N-Dimethyltryptamine, is a psychedelic chemical that occurs naturally in both plants and animals from underwater organisms to land mammals.
  • DMT, short for dimethyltryptamine, is considered by many to be among the most powerful psychedelics that we can experience.
  • A DMT experience is liable to be one you won’t soon forget. Many who set out to have a DMT experience count it among some of their most life-changing moments.
  • Araştırmalar bebeğin dünyaya geldiğinde, beyin omurilik sıvısında çok fazla miktarda 5-MeO-DMT bulunduğunu göstermektedir.
  • DMT (N,N-Dimethyltryptamine) is a psychedelic compound belonging to the tryptamine family of molecules. The possession and use of DMT are illegal.