• The river Pliva is made from the merging of several springs, two of which are the main, right or deep spring and left that is made up of three smaller springs...
  • The Pliva (Serbian Cyrillic: Плива) is a relatively small river in central parts of Bosnia and Herzegovina, however one of the most significant in terms of natural...
  • The Pliva River rises from two springs in Smiljevac and Jastrebnjak mountains, at 483 m, which join into a stream after 300 meters.
  • River Pliva is the river of West Bosnia .Source is located in village Pljeva , about 6 km upstream of small town Sipovo.
  • Пливарека в центральной части Боснии и Герцеговины, правый приток реки Врбас.
  • Водопады, которые расположены на реке Плива в месте ее впадения в реку Врбас, также отличаются необыкновенной живописностью.
  • Beside its beauty, Pliva is also known to fisherman as a very demanding river, where fishing is done with long leaders & tippets, exceeding the 5m length.
  • The Pliva river flows from West to East, is 26.8 kilometers long, and has an average discharge artificially set for a biological minimum of...
  • Pliva is relatively small river in central parts of Bosnia and Herzegovina, however one of the most significant in terms of natural...