• The abbey at Iona and the Abbey of Kells were closely linked, leading many to hypothesise the book was started in Iona and perhaps finished in Kells.
  • Enjoy views of the picturesque countryside as you drive from destination to destination. Get to know the unspoiled treasures of Ireland's Hidden Heartlands!
  • The Abbey of Kells (reportedly founded by St. Columba c554) hosts a round tower (10thC), several high crosses (9th-10thC) & an oratory (10thC).
  • St. Columbas Church, Kells The Abbey of Kells is a former monastery in Kells, County Meath, Ireland, 64 kilometers north of Dublin.
  • Kells Manastırı - Abbey of Kells. Ayrıca bakınız: Kells Başdiyakozu (Ortaçağ İrlanda). ... Kells'deki yuvarlak kule. Kells Manastırı İrlanda'da bir yerleşim birimidir.
  • Yerel adıBook of Kells KonumDublin, İrlanda. Kells kitabı Yeni Ahit'in içerdiği dört incil ile önsöz niteliğindeki bazı metinleri ve kanon tablolarını içeren.
  • Situated on an ancient Hillfort the Abbey of Kells is one of Irelands most famous abbeys and was home to one of Ireland’s most famous and precious books.
  • For many years the book was housed at The Abbey of Kells from where it acquired its name. It is now on permanent display at Trinity College Library in Dublin.
  • The Abbey of Kells (Mainistir Cheanannais in Irish) is a former monastery in Kells, County Meath, Ireland, 40 miles (64km) north of Dublin.
  • Kells is a little town in County Meath, in the Republic of Ireland. The Book of Kells or the Book of Columba is a book that contains each of the four gospels.