• From Uwe Boll’s many efforts to Detective Pikachu and beyond, we run down the list of the best and worst video game movies ever.
  • Adapting popular video games into movies has produced mixed results, with some adaptations failing to capture the essence of their source material.
  • This, I would argue, is a quality the best video game movies share, no matter how faithfully or not they adapt their button-mashing source material.
  • If you were a big-ticket Hollywood screenwriter, one of the toughest gigs you could get is the task of turning a. video game into a coherent movie.
  • Still, there have been some memorable attempts over the years. Here are our picks for the best video game movies of all time.
  • Or the original story just doesn’t translate well to film. What makes a film good is highly subjective. And this is extra true for video game movies.
  • It’s a well-worn cliche that movies based on (or around) video games are just the worst, but that’s not always the case. Usually, yes, but not always.
  • In hindsight, Silent Hill was a perfect fit to cut through the thicket of below-average video game movies that seemed to come out every few months in the mid-‘00s.
  • Movie. Universal Pictures. Spoiler alert: the best and worst video game movies are both based on the Mario franchise.