• Corbusier’s Unite dHabitation began with a modular interplay between interlocking forms producing a multi leveled interwoven urban dwelling.
  • Unité d'habitation. modernist residential housing design principle developed by Le Corbusier, with the collaboration of painter-architect Nadir Afonso.
  • After 25 years of paper planning and production of evolutionary projects, Unite dHabitation No.1 has taken shape and is now nearing completion.
  • And yet the Unité dHabitation, a twelve-storey monolith of 337 apartments off Boulevard Michelet in the south of Marseilles is, without doubt...
  • For corbusier, "Unite d Habitation" project is the first time, is also the first time in this way, close to the hold about 1600 residents of the large complex.
  • Unite dHabitation Berlin. Le Corbusier’s Unité dHabitation concept was materialised in four other buildings in France with a similar design.
  • Unité d'Habitation of Berlin is a 1958 apartment building located in Berlin, Germany, designed by Le Corbusier following his concept of Unité d'Habitation.
  • For all these reasons, UNESCO’s World Heritage Committee has tentatively earmarked Unite dhabitation and the Radiant City for potential designation status.
  • Besides Marseille and Nantes, the „Unité dhabitation, Type Berlin“ is the third residential complex of that kind.
  • Designed and built in 1952, Unite dHabitation in Marseille, France, is one of Le Corbusier’s most iconic and innovative structures and was the celebrated...