• Those who enjoy a cannabis strain with a flavor reminiscent of citrus fruit and effects that are well-balanced will adore Agent Orange.
  • Agent Orange has an aroma of fresh-cut citrus and is an excellent mood enhancer if you are feeling lethargic or depressed.
  • Thanks to its remarkable citrusy flavor, flashy appearance, and great overall value, Agent Orange is one of the best strains that you can consume today.
  • Claim: Photograph shows a Vietnamese child with physical abnormalities attributed to Agent Orange. Example: [Associated Press, 2005].
  • Until 1991, Agent Orange benefits were difficult to qualify for because proving exposure during military service caused the conditions could be extremely hard.
  • 12/27/2011 - A key chemical of one of the most horrifying elements of the Vietnam War -- Agent Orange -- may soon be unleashed on America's farmlands.
  • Objective: To examine the association between Agent Orange exposure and incident dementia diagnosis in US veterans of the Vietnam era.
  • Agent Orange was a military tactic, but it has proven to be more of a backfiring torture method than anything else.
  • Agent orange cleared his sight now A different face stared at him somehow Gas changed the conflict Sort of deranged Hope and honour Have fallen with the green.
  • Agent Orange, The official theme of the Dutch, ... just kidding, but it is extremely orange. ... You can easily add your own…