• BALDURS GATE: ENHANCED EDITION Baldurs Gate: Enhanced Edition brings you the classic RPG with fresh updates for modern adventurers.
  • Baldurs Gate: Enhanced Edition is the classic 1998 RPG— enhanced for modern adventurers.
  • Baldurs Gate Enhanced Edition is available on iOS 5.1 or later. It’s currently priced at $9.99 and can be downloaded in the App Store.
  • This guide aims to help you make an educated class choice in the Enhanced Edition of Baldurs Gate, by sharing each class’ special features...
  • Baldurs Gate: Enhanced Edition is the classic 1998 RPG— enhanced for modern adventurers.
  • Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition is obviously a great game that every gamer must play. It is a pity though that the whole "Enhanced" title falls sort since most of...
  • Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition added several new kits to toy with, all of which are pretty good to borderline overpowered for a Hardcore run.
  • Baldurs Gate: Enhanced Edition is the classic 1998 RPG— enhanced for modern adventurers.
  • Compared to the 1998 version of Baldurs Gate, this Baldurs Gate Enhanced Edition mobile game is a much more complete remake.