• L’IILA – Organizzazione internazionale italo-latino americana presenta a Roma una mostra interdisciplinare dedicata al Qhapaq Ñan, Il grande cammino delle Ande.
  • Day 2 Qhapaq Ñan Ecuador | Laguna Yaunavi to Paredones Ruins. Activity Hiking. Save to a List. near Ñaupán, Cañar (Ecuador).
  • Gradas Qhapaq Ñan is working in Other accommodation activities. ... Simón Bolívar y Manuel Reyes, Chunchi 060550, Ecuador. Hotel Europa.
  • cms.iucn.org/about/union/secretariat/offices/sudamerica/sur_proyectos/index.cfm?uNewsID=1101 IUCN Sur project on the Qhapaq Ñan].
  • El Qhapaq Ñan - Camino Principal Andino considerado por la UNESCO como un patrimonio común de valor excepcional que comparten Argentina, Bolivia...
  • Etiketler And (İnka) Yolu, Ecuador in UNESCO World Heritage List, Ekvador, Qhapaq Nan, Quito, İngapirca.
  • ...applied in the event of any significant project development to preserve the important landscape features around all Qhapaq Ñan road segments
  • Trece años tardó Ecuador para conseguir esta distinción para el sistema vial andino Qhapaq-Ñan (Camino del Inca). 23 de junio, 2014 - 18h13.
  • Ecuador, Qhapaq Ñan. Qhapaq Ñan is the name used for the extensive system of ancient roads and trails connecting all parts of the Inca Empire.