• There are two setting in BIOS which are seem to me as related to this: Channel Interleave Setting This function is allows you to select the Channel Interleave Setting.
  • When you are enabling NVDIMM-N Memory Interleaving, then you must also enable Channel interleaving.
  • Necroing this because I am curious. BIOS of my motherboard has 3 interleaving options - "IMC interleaving", "Channel interleaving" and "Rank interleaving".
  • However, channel interleaving is also possible, for example in freescale i.MX6 processors, which allow interleaving to be done between two channels...
  • Channel and Rank Interleaving settings should be enabled and set to the highest on the board as possible for the greatest memory performance.
  • In this article, it could be 2^7 = 128 bytes. In this whitepaper from fujitsu, "The channel interleave block size is based on a cache line size of 64 bytes".
  • An efficient and feasible alternative is the very popular channel interleaving, under which symbols of the codestream are permuted before transmission to disperse...
  • What do Channel Interleave and Rank Interleave settings mean in BIOS? ... However, reducing the level of interleaving can result in power savings.
  • I'm reading up on channel interleaving and all that but nothing really concrete about the configuration in the bios or if the scenario described above is possible...