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  • Cilician Armenia, an Armenian principality and later a kingdom, was located on the coast of the Mediterranean Sea between the 11th and 14th centuries.
  • Although located some 32 km (20 mi) from the Armenian border, the dormant volcano dominates the skyline of Yerevan, Armenia's capital.
  • Information about Armenia. Select the subjects you want to know more about on euronews.com.
  • IRI data also informed policy changes in Armenia’s the political party law, providing stronger accountability mechanisms for political party financing.
  • Official @Twitter account of the Republic of #Armenia / #Armenian #AMINHRC.
  • The official Youtube channel of the Government of Armenia Հայաստանի կառավարության պաշտոնական Youtube ալիքը Հետևեք մեզ նաև` Facebook...
  • Armenia soldier dies, criminal investigation underway. Azerbaijan transfers remains of 2 Armenia soldiers who died in September 2022.
  • 31K Followers, 32 Following, 874 Posts - Armenia (@armenia) on Instagram: "Welcome to Armenia 🇦🇲🇦🇲🇦🇲".