• From startup to enterprise, choose the Bazel open source project to build and test your multi-language, multi-platform projects.
  • Our tutorial for the open-source tool Bazel shows to optimize and automate the build process of large-scale software.
  • workspace: a directory that holds your project’s source files and Bazel’s build outputs. It also contains files that Bazel recognizes as special
  • It uses a human-readable, high-level build language. Bazel supports projects in multiple languages and builds outputs for multiple platforms.
  • Bazel runs on Windows, macOS, and Linux. Scalable: Bazel helps you scale your organization, codebase, and continuous integration solution.
    • Issues:
    • Last commit:
      25 June 2024
  • On July 5, 2017, the Bazel Blog announced a new logo,[17] consisting of three green building blocks arranged to shape a heart.
  • Installing Bazel. This section covers the prerequisites, environment setup, and detailed steps during installation on Windows. Check your system.
  • Free. Windows, Mac OS, Linux, Android. Build and test software of any size, quickly and reliably. Bazel only rebuilds what is necessary.
  • To build a specific target in a workspace, you can use the bazel build target command. This command will compile the code and generate the corresponding...
  • Bazel Auto Sheriff. Public. A pipeline to do most of work for the Bazel Green Team. Speed150.7m Reliability0% Builds7/week. Bazel integration testing. Public.