• Whatever is typed in extends. => That would be prefixed with eslint-config- prettier = giving => eslint-config-prettier. Which is this package.
  • Latest version: 9.1.0, last published: 7 months ago. Start using eslint-config-prettier in your project by running `npm i eslint-config-prettier`.
    • Weekly downloads:
    • Version:
      9.1.0 · 2 December 2023
    • Size:
      20.8 kB
  • Since version 8.0.0 of eslint-config-prettier, all you need to extend is "prettier"! That includes all plugins. eslint.config.js (flat config) plugin caveat.
    • Issues:
  • To achieve this, Prettier provides an ESLint configuration package that disables all formatting rules that conflict with Prettier. Install eslint-config-prettier
  • Before diving into the configuration, let’s understand what these tools are used for. ... Following Prettier docs, we need to install eslint-config-prettier.
  • Note that the config of eslint-config-prettier has always been compatible with eslint.config.js (flat config) – it was just the CLI tool that needed updating.
  • Due to recent updates and compatibility issues, setting up a Nuxt project with the latest versions of ESLint 9, Prettier, and TypeScript can be challenging.
  • This guide provides steps to set up and configure ESLint and Prettier. ... - npx expo install -- --save-dev prettier eslint-config-prettier eslint-plugin-prettier.
  • Use eslint-config-prettier to make Prettier and ESLint play nice together. Set up a pre-commit hook to make sure that every commit is formatted.
  • Also, I will discuss the process of creating a shared ESLint config package, explaining the configuration, and some recommended rules.