• Margaret Thatcher 87 yaşında hayatını kaybetti. Margaret Thatcher, 8 Nisan 2013 sabahı Londra'daki evinde felç geçirdi, ardından son nefesini verdi.
  • Most people who even remotely follow world politics can tell you that “The Iron Lady,” was Britain’s most controversial Prime Minister, Margaret Thatcher.
  • Margaret Thatcher became Britain’s Conservative Party leader and in 1979 was elected prime minister, the first woman to hold the position.
  • Margaret Thatcher, a polarising figure within late twentieth century British politics, left an enduring thumbprint on the country.
  • "iyi insanlar, margaret'i giyotinde gormek ister - ne harika bir dus. cunku onun-gibiler, canimi cikariyor benim. ne zaman oleceksin? ve onun-gibiler, hevesimi...
  • Margaret Thatcher’s Tweets. Pinned Tweet. ... Great for conservatism and limits and role of the state and economy. Quote Tweet. Margaret Thatcher.
  • Read full articles, watch videos, browse thousands of titles and more on the "Margaret Thatcher" topic with Google News.
  • Dünya tarihine yön vermiş kadınlardan bahis açıldığında ve 20’nci yüzyıl söz konusu olduğunda aradan sıyrılıp öne çıkan bir isim Margaret Thatcher.
  • This is the website of the Margaret Thatcher Foundation, the largest contemporary history site of its kind.
  • Margaret Thatcher became Britain's Conservative Party leader and in 1979 was elected prime minister, the first woman to hold the position.