• Thomas Paine, İngiltere'nin Norfolk bölgesindeki Thetford'da doğdu. 13 yaşında okuldan ayrılarak bir korse yapımcısı olan babasının yanında çalışmaya başladı.
  • These lines from a children’s song richly capture the infamy that Thomas Paine had fallen into at the time of his death on June 8, 1809 in New Rochelle, New York.
  • Thomas Paine arrived in the American colonies in 1774, as the conflict between aggrieved colonists and Britain was reaching its height.
  • To educate the world about the life, works, and legacy of Thomas Paine. The Thomas Paine National Historical Association is the oldest historic association for a...
  • Ameɾika'da siyasetle yakından ilgilenen Thomas Paine, köleliğin kaldıɾılmasını ve Ameɾikan kolonileɾinin İngilteɾe'den ayɾılmalaɾını savunan yazılaɾ yazdı.
  • 1792 yılında lonra guildhall da fitneci iftira suçuyla yargılanmış ve hüküm giymiştir.suçu: amerikan ve fransız devrimlerini desteklemek
  • Image Source: Wikipedia. Thomas Paine was a Founding Father, a philosopher of the American Revolution, and a true revolutionary.
  • Thomas Paine was born on January 29, 1737 to a family of moderate means in Norfolk, England. His father was a Quaker and his mother an Anglican, and it is...
  • Thomas Paine (1737-1809): Aydınlanma döneminin en önemli yazar, aydın ve devrimci düşünürlerindendir.
  • Thomas Paine authored Common Sense (1776) and The American Crisis (1776–1783), the two most famous pamphlets during the American Revolution.