• The common name, \”Eastern Orthodox Church\”, is a shortened practicality that helps to avoid confusions in casual use.
  • Some people believe that the Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox Churches are essentially the same in doctrine. This is complete bullshit.
  • To apprehend the special significance of the saint's image in the Eastern Orthodox Church we must consider the iconoclastic struggle.
  • Eastern Orthodoxy was reacting to the religious, cultural, linguistic, and political differences with the Western Church centred in Rome.
  • The Eastern Orthodox Church, also known as the Orthodox Catholic Church, is a critical institution in the context of global Christianity.
  • Andrew Stephen Damick lists 5 differences between the Roman Catholic Church and the Eastern Orthodox Church – can you think of any more?
  • I’m a Baptist attending a Catholic high school who would like to learn more about the Eastern Orthodox Church. How should I go about doing that?
  • In the Eastern Orthodox Church a saint is defined as anyone who is currently in Heaven, whether recognized here on earth or not.
  • CONTACTS: To message Archimandrite Kyril or to arrange a baptism or wedding please email the Parish Priest@bristol-orthodox-church.co.uk (Tel.
  • The Eastern Orthodox Church has endured more merciless and long-standing persecutions than any other Christian body.