• Easily spotted from miles away due to to its remarkable 83 meters (272 feet) high tower, the St. Roch's Church of Białystok is a popular tourist attraction with its...
  • księdza Arcybiskupa Romualda Jałbrzykowskiego 5, 15-753 Białystok, Poland. Cathedral Basilica of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary.
  • Saint Roch to whom the church is dedicated is the patron saint of dogs, falsely accused people and bachelors!
  • Full Address: Poland, Podlaskie Voivodeship, Białystok, Białystok, Białystok, Centrum, Księdza Adama Abramowicza, 1.
  • Church of St. Roch in Bialystok is largest city in northeastern Poland and capital of Podlaskie Voivodeship.
  • St. Roch Roman Catholic Church in Białystok, Poland was built between 1927-1946 in a modernistic style, designed by renowned Polish architect...
  • St. Roch Roman Catholic Church in Białystok, Poland was built between 1927-1946 in a modernistic style, designed by renowned Polish architect...
  • Piękna Bazylika Mniejsza. Ciekawa historia kościoła oraz przepiękne widoki na Białystok z wałów Bazyliki.