• I’ve spent countless times at the Jefferson Memorial so in this post I’ll go over some of my tips for visit and sharing my favorite photos.
  • While no solution has yet been determined, the restorers remain hopeful one will eventually appear. RELATED: Jefferson Memorial is covered in scum
  • Jefferson Memorial, monument to Thomas Jefferson, the third president of the United States, situated in East Potomac Park on the south bank of the Tidal Basin...
  • While it is the second to the last Presidential memorial to be built, the Jefferson Memorial is second to none when it comes to intricacy.
  • One of the most iconic buildings in Washington DC is the one dedicated Thomas Jefferson. But do you know all the facts about the Jefferson Memorial?
  • The Jefferson Memorial was officially dedicated by President Roosevelt on April 13, 1943, the 200th anniversary of Jefferson's birthday.
  • After his death on July 4, 1826, Jefferson's reputation grew slowly. It would be more than a century before he was honored with this memorial, dedicated in 1943.
  • The circular, colonnaded structure of the Memorial is an adaptation of Jefferson’s favored Pantheon in Rome.
  • The Jefferson Memorial is at its photogenic best during late March through early-April during the blooming of the cherry blossoms that ring the Tidal Pool.
  • As one of Washington DC’s top landmarks, the Jefferson Memorial is included on most DC monument tours that circuit through the National Mall.