• До середины 1950-х годов, когда его обогнал Лагос, Ибадан был крупнейшим городом страны.
  • Find fun things to do in Ibadan – Discover top tourist attractions, vacation activities, sightseeing tours and book them on Expedia.
  • Discover Ibadan's hidden spots, best neighbourhoods and local scenes.
  • Иба́дан — город на юго-западе Нигерии. Административный центр штата Ойо. На момент обретения Нигерией независимости в 1960 году Ибадан был крупнейшим и наиболее...
  • At four million people and counting, Ibadan still retains the feeling of a small town, leading some to deem it "the biggest village in the world."
  • Ibadan is the home of Nigeria’s first university, the University of Ibadan, and Nigeria’s first skyscraper, Cocoa House, which opened in 1965.
  • IBADAN city is one of the largest city in Nigeria and Africa, also one of the oldest and ancestral city with early development and urbanization as far back as the...
  • Here is a list of 10 interesting places you can visit located in Ibadan
  • Hey guys,Today's video is showing you the city where I live and places you can visit when you're ever in Ibadan on holiday or business.Places mentioned in th...
  • Что делать и посмотреть Факты и цифры Информация и советы Топ мест в Ибадан Прогноз погоды Климат Ибадан - важная информация...