• ESA - ESA meets European Science Museums in Warsaw, Poland. Copernicus Science Center and Heavens of Copernicus - Warsaw City Break.
  • Copernicus Science Centre. Planujcie wizyty w Koperniku z wyprzedzeniem! cnk_Media społecznościowe. cnk_Informacje dodatkowe.
  • Web camera Copernicus Science Centre - Warsaw. Views. ... The great benefits of setting live streaming camera on the website such as Warsaw webcam.
  • The Copernicus Science Centre opened in November 2010. It is one of the most remarkable science museums across Europe and aims to promote...
  • Opening hours. Ticket prices. Should I visit the Copernicus Science Center (Warsaw)? What to see in Warsaw on Museum Night?
  • Since 2008, the Copernicus Science Centre together with Polish Radio has organized the Science Picnic - Europe's largest outdoor science-popularization...
  • Buy ticket Tickets. Copernicus Science Centre. Wyłącz animację slajdera. Zdjęcie dachu Kopernika z drona. Take a look at Warsaw from the roof of Copernicus!
  • During your stay at Polonia Palace, explore Warsaw and visit Copernicus Science Centre one of the most advanced institutions in Europe.
  • The curiosity of the Copernicus Science Center is Elektrybałt, i.e. an electronic poet who writes poems on request and then recites them.