• English: Federal Hall, once located at 26 Wall Street in New York City, was the first capitol of the United States.
  • Federal Hall National Memorial, the site of government activity for almost 300 years.
  • Федерал-холл – это воплощённая история Соединённых Штатов.
  • The tall columns fronting Federal Hall and the majestic statue of George Washington located on its steps are iconic sights on Wall Street.
  • Federal Hall National Memorial in New York City is an historic landmark where George Washington became the first US President.
  • Federal Hall is a historic building at 26 Wall Street in the Financial District of Manhattan in New York City.
  • Federal Hall is a historic building at 26 Wall Street in the Financial District of Manhattan, New York City.
  • В 1842 году на месте старого Федерал-холла построили новое здание таможенного управления, выдержанное в стиле строгого классицизма.
  • The Federal Hall National Memorial in Wall Street, New York's former city Hall.
  • Федерал-холл (Federal Hall) - историческое здание на Уолл-стрит, 26, в финансовом районе Манхэттена (Нью-Йорк)...