• We use there is and there are to talk about the existence of the things or people. Let's explain there is and there are with an example
  • Örnek Cümleler ve Türkçeleri: There's a cat in the garden. Bahçede bir kedi var. There are twenty students in the class. Sınıfta 20 öğrenci var.
  • Aşağıdaki örnekler there are kalıbını anlamanıza yardımcı olacaklardır: There must be no mistake. - -> Hata olmamalı. There are 365 days in a year.
  • We use the construction "there is / there are" to describe that something exists, is present, is situated, is lying or standing somewhere.
  • 1. There is and there are. We use there is and there are to talk about something that exists or that we can see. They can be used in any verb tenses.
  • Use there is or there’s when the noun that follows is singular (“There is a dog”) and there are when the noun is plural (“There are two dogs”).
  • There are some + plural noun = Are there any + plural noun? “Are there any trains to London this morning?” Short answer form.
  • The two phrases are often confused so below we take a look at the differences between "there is" and "there are".
  • There are nine planets in the solar system. They’re easy to see with a telescope. There are some instructions avaible for this DVD but They are on the Internet.
  • We use there is and there are when we first refer to the existence or presence of someone or something ... There are is the plural form of there is and there’s