• Смотреть подробную спутниковую карту Флинт, Уэльс, Великобритания на русском языке с улицами и номерами домов.
  • В настоящее время Флинт находится на попечении организации по охране исторических памятников Уэльса...
  • Flint is a town in Flintshire , Wales , lying on the estuary of the River Dee .
  • Флинт расположен на северо-востоке Уэльса, на берегу реки Ди, к северу от города Молд.
  • Flint Castle was the first of the series of castles built during King Edward I's campaign to conquer Wales.
  • In 1996 the eight administrative counties of Wales were replaced by 22 new unitary counties and unitary county boroughs.
  • Flint was the first great castle built for Edward I during his campaigns to defeat Llywelyn ap Gruffudd and subdue the Welsh.
  • And so Flint was founded, both castle and town, the start of his ambition to reclaim Tegeingl once and for all, through the means of castle and fortified borough.
  • While Flint, MI was chartered in 1855, Flint, Wales received its charter in 1284, the first in this small Celtic country.
  • Замок Флинт, Уэльс. Замок Флинт находится в устье реки Ди недалеко от границы с Англией.