• The QModelIndex class is used to locate data in a data model. This class is used as an index into item models derived from QAbstractItemModel.
  • When referring to top-level items in a model, supply PySide.QtCore.QModelIndex.QModelIndex() as the parent index.
  • qmodelindex find here code examples, projects, interview questions, cheatsheet, and problem solution you have needed.
  • QModelIndex is a central class in the Qt model/view framework. It represents a (very abstract) way by which QAbstractItemViews can address cells in...
  • The QModelIndex class is used to locate data in a data model. This class is used as an index into item models derived from QAbstractItemModel.
  • Thumbs up [SOLVED] Get QModelIndex data. Greetings! Currently I have the class below, which paints the lines of column 94 of a QTableView.
  • So my goal is to call that function from a different class and pass it a QModelIndex, but for that index to have been created with a row/column I specify.
  • ...use model-view flexibly in your API, you will most likely just have a QAbstractItemModel pointer at the point where you want to get the correct QModelIndex.
  • QModelIndex QAbstractItemModel::index(int row, int column, const QModelIndex &parent = QModelIndex()).
  • virtual QModelIndex parent(const QModelIndex &child) const =0. ... virtual QVariant data(const QModelIndex &index, int role=Qt::DisplayRole) const =0.