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  • Saîf-Eddine Khaoui , Saifeddine Khaoui olarak da çevrildi ( Arapça : سيف الدين خاوي; 27 Nisan 1995 doğumlu) Olympique de Marseille ve Tunus milli takımı için...
  • Saîf-Eddine Khaoui (Saîfeddine Khaoui) was born on 27 April, 1995 in Paris, France, is a Footballer (born 1995). ... Saîf-Eddine Khaoui Net Worth.
  • Sign-in. Saïf-Eddine KHAOUI. General. Matches. ... Profile. Name. Saïf-Eddine KHAOUI. Position. Midfielder.
  • Saîf-Eddine Khaoui is 28 years old,birthday is 1995/04/27 UTC, and he is 180 cm tall and 68 kg. Saîf-Eddine Khaoui prefers to play with Left foot.
  • Bizlerde Bölge Gündem Haber spor editörleri olarak Saif Eddine Khaoui adlı oyuncu hakkındaki bilgileri sizler için derleyip topladık.
  • Saîf-Eddine Khaoui (Tunisia) currently plays for Uae League club Khorfakkan Club. Saîf-Eddine Khaoui is 29 years old (27/04/1995) and he is 182 cm tall.