• What does Orthodoxy Teach? The word Orthodox is Greek for ‘right glory’ and refers to the correctness and truth of the Orthodox Church’s faith and worship (cf.
  • Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1979. Ware, Timothy. The Orthodox Church An Introduction to Eastern Christianity. New York: Penguin, 2015.
  • Kiev court orders representatives of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church (UOC) to vacate the Eletsky Monastery in Chernigov.
  • We will try to clarify the ambiguities associated with the Orthodox (Orthodox) Church in this article. But for this, you first need to clearly define the terms.
  • The members of the Orthodox Church are meant to relate to one another as the three Persons of the Holy Trinity Each relate to the Other – in all humility and love.
  • The Orthodox Church was heir to the pre-schism churches that had been established by the Apostles. After the schism, Eastern Orthodoxy spread throughout the...
  • The Catholic Church does not encourage the veneration of icons in the same way as the Orthodox Church, although it does allow for the use of images in worship.
  • The wisdom of the Fathers of the Church is central to the Orthodox way of life as today's inheritors of the "true faith and Church" passed on in its purest form.
  • While the Orthodox churches acknowledge seven sacraments, or "mysteries", there are other sacramental actions that make up the liturgical life of the church.