• There are several ways to answer this question. One is that Eastern Orthodoxy is either the primary or a significant religious context for many countries in the world.
  • What do they believe that is different from Orthodoxy as we "Eastern Orthodox" practice it? ... Orthodoxy to the hinterlands of heresy.
  • Eastern Orthodoxy places great emphasis on the seven Ecumenical Councils of the early Church, which defined the basic beliefs and doctrines of Christianity.
  • The honorary head of Eastern Orthodoxy is the patriarch of Constantinople (Istanbul, Turkey), who holds no jurisdiction over the church as a whole.
  • Eastern Orthodoxy arose as a distinct branch of Christianity after the 11th-century "Great Schism" between Eastern and Western Christendom.
  • Orthodox Churches form a theologically united family of 13 autonomous bodies, denoted by their nation of origin. The umbrella of Eastern Orthodoxy includes the...
  • The Orthodox Church was heir to the pre-schism churches that had been established by the Apostles. After the schism, Eastern Orthodoxy spread throughout the...
  • The Russian Orthodox church dominates contemporary Eastern Orthodoxy, representing seven-eighths of the total number of Orthodox Christians.
  • Constantinople fell to the Turks in 1453, while in the twentieth century, Orthodoxy in Russia and Eastern Europe endured under Communist rule, suffering...
  • Worldwide, the Eastern Orthodox Church is estimated to have between 200 and 300 million members. ... Eastern Orthodoxy (MP3), by David Calhoun.