• By Todd Hennessy, 2015 AJC Faculty Fellow. The New Łódź Jewish Cemetery, established in 1892, is the largest Jewish Cemetery in Europe.
  • The New Jewish Cemetery Łódź ( Polish: Nowy Cmentarz Żydowski ) is a Jewish cemetery in Łódź in Poland .
  • Among the killed ones were: Cipora Strichińska, Szmuel Richbard, Abram Perl and Ichiel Frydman. Their grave is located in the Jewish cemetery in Łódź.
  • The Łódź Jewish Cemetery was opened in 1982 and was once the largest Jewish cemetery in Poland.
  • Łódź Area Research Group (LARG) | Łódź and its Region | Remember Łódź (JewishGen Web Page) | Łódź Jewish Cemetery | Iudaicum Łódźense | 60 Years...
  • 6. Explore the Jewish Cemetery of Łódź: The Jewish Cemetery of Łódź is one of the largest cemeteries in Łódź, with over 5,000 graves.
  • Danuta and Lech Muszyński, in their 1995 book Cmentarz Żydowski w Łodzi (The Jewish Cemetery in Łódź), noted their importance...
  • the Jewish cemetery of Lodz is one of the must importent sights to visit Lodz. it gives you perspective about this city. about the history and the founder of the city.
  • Take a moment to appreciate the resurgence of Jewish culture in the city and recognize the resilience that defines Łódź’s Jewish legacy.
  • Discover top rated places in Łódź. Jewish cemetery in Łódź - Cemetery in Łódź, Poland. Ticket office ať the entrance od the cementary??!!